ࡱ> O bjbj d䄐e䄐e} 8;|$&!!!!*4+#+  $h13+*@*3+3+1!! F///3+:!! /3+ //.QsHz! (f^m+u\0v h+&hzzh{L 3+3+/3+3+3+3+3+11- 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+h3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+ : èapp Purchasing & Contracting Cooperative Contract Review  CONTRACT INFORMATION Vendor name: Administering Contracting Agency: N/A:  FORMCHECKBOX  Cooperative Procurement Group: N/A:  FORMCHECKBOX  Solicitation issued by: ACA/Cooperative Procurement Group contract number: Cooperative contracts start date: Cooperative contracts initial term: Cooperative contracts renewal terms: Cooperative contract currently valid through: Cooperative contracts max renewal date: Is the District a member of the Cooperative Procurement Group?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No  FORMCHECKBOX  N/A SAM Check:  FORMCHECKBOX  DUE DILLIGENCE REVIEW Yes N/A No  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  13. Was an RFP/ITB issued?  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  14. Is the Districts intended use covered under the scope of the cooperative contract?  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  15. Are there instructions on how the District department should utilize the contract (purchase order, separate contract, other)? Note: Use of purchase orders specified in solicitation document.  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  16. Will federal funding be used under this cooperative agreement? Contract Requirements by Cooperative Type  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  17. Joint Cooperative Contract  FORMCHECKBOX  The solicitation and the original contract or price agreement identify the District or the Cooperative Procurement Group of which the District is a member.  FORMCHECKBOX  The solicitation and the original contract or price agreement specify the estimated Contract requirements of the District. Note:  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  18. Permissive Cooperative Contract  FORMCHECKBOX  The District is required to publish a public notice regarding use of this contract where there will be greater than $250,000 in estimated life of contract purchases.  FORMCHECKBOX  The solicitation and original contract allow other Contracting Agencies to establish Contracts or Price Agreements under the terms, conditions, and prices of the original contract. Contract Requirements by Cooperative Type, continued Yes N/A No  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  19. Interstate Cooperative Contract  FORMCHECKBOX  The solicitation lists the District, or the Cooperative Procurement Group of which the District is a member, as a party that may establish contracts under the terms, conditions, and prices of the Original Contract (èapp-46-0460(1)).  FORMCHECKBOX A public notice of intent is required to be issued due to the Interstate Cooperative Contract not meeting advertising requirements identified in the Advertising section of this document (èapp-46-0460(2)). Federal Terms and Conditions  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  20. Does the procurement require additional review for compliance with federal regulations due to involving construction work as defined in 41 CFR Part 60-1.3, or prime construction for more than $2,000? Note:  FORMTEXT Cite reference to document and document section if yes  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  21. Does the procurement involve employment of mechanics or laborers and is it for more than $100,000?  FORMCHECKBOX  The procurement and resulting contract require the Contractor to comply with 40 USC 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by 29 CFR Part 5, including: Paying each laborer or mechanic one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours that the laborer or mechanic works in excess of 40 hours in any one week; and, Not requiring any mechanic or laborer to work in surroundings or under working conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to health or safety. Note:  FORMTEXT Cite reference to document and document section if yes  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  22. Does the procurement and resulting contract requires the parties to comply with the Clean Air Act (42 USC 7401 to 7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC 1251 to 1387), including all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued under these Acts. Note:  FORMTEXT Cite reference to document and document section if yes  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  23. Did the contractor file the certification required by 31USC 1352 (Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment), certifying that the contractor has not and will not appropriate federal funds to pay any person or organization influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employees of the federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining a contract, grant, or other award covered by 31 USC 1352 involving federal funds. The contractor must also disclose any lobbying with nonfederal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining an award of federal funds. Note:  FORMTEXT Cite reference to document and document section if yes  FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX   FORMCHECKBOX  24. Does the procurement or contract require parties to comply with Section 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act? 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